* Open all root folders on the device in separate windows
* Resize, move and cascade multiple windows
* Minimize and maximize windows
* Restore minimized windows to their previous position and size (before minimization)
* Switch between active windows by using cursor or selecting from the BB menu
* Open a folder in a new window
* Horizontal and vertical scroll-bars for convenient page navigation
* Scrolling by step, drag and page
* Show hidden files and folders and allow making a file or folder hidden
* Rename files and folders. File extensions can be renamed too.
* Folder and file properties – full path, size, date and time modified are shown
* Create files and folders
* Open or edit files by selecting the appropriate application from a list of options
* Search files and folders
* Multitasking: Performs file operations simultaneously in different windows
Additional features available in the full version:
* Open up to ten windows (five active and five minimized)
* Access to Quick Links (QL) from the BB menu
* Select multiple files and folders and perform operations on selected items: cut, copy, delete, lock,
* Integrated image viewer
* File and folder protection
-Protected files and folders are sent directly to the DNNK storage
-The user can create DNNK storage anywhere in the device
-Personal information is protected by an unique key generated by the user, and can only be opened
with a valid password.
-The DNNK storage can be accessed directly from the BB menu
* DNNK File Manager only works on devices with a trackpad